Drawings in the world. On multiscalarity and scales outside the representation


  • Giovanni Durbiano Polytechnic of Torino
  • Tommaso Listo Polytechnic of Torino




scales, representation, author, mediation, multiscalarity


The article relates the concept of architectural scale with the philosophical and political implications of the world representation action implicit in every scalar operation. Drawing from a certain philosophical tradition about representation, it follows that the scalar attribution can be interpreted as an attempt to perform a form of control over the represented through the drawing, with the purpose to legitimize the author and the scientificity of the architectural discipline in theories and Schools. However, this paradigm, which made the Italian post-war architecture so successful, is put in crisis by the nature of the problems requiring design and projection. From these considerations, a conceptualization of multiscalarity is proposed, focusing on the project's agency in the world, rather than from an introjection of the latter into the designer intentions.


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Author Biographies

Giovanni Durbiano, Polytechnic of Torino

Full Professor of Architectural and Urban Composition and the President of ProArch, the Scientific Society of Italian architectural design teachers. He is the author of publications on the themes of architectural design cultures in contemporary times, and Founder and Member of the Advisory Board of the Ardeth – Architectural Design Theory. Professionally, he is co-owner of the DAR Architettura studio.
E-mail: giovanni.durbiano@polito.it

Tommaso Listo, Polytechnic of Torino

PhD Student in Architecture, History and Design. He carries out research mainly in the field of architecture theory and the intersection between digital and design practice. He holds a Master in Digital Humanities from the ‘Ca Foscari’ University of Venice.
E-mail: tommaso.listo@polito.it


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Guido Canella, Project of the new Settlement of the Polytechnic University in the Bovisa district, 1986. AGATHÓN 07 | 2020




How to Cite

Durbiano, G. and Listo, T. (2020) “Drawings in the world. On multiscalarity and scales outside the representation”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 7(online), pp. 8–15. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/712020.