The Wagnerschule (Vienna 1894-1912): Wagner and the Moderne Architekture


  • Ettore Sessa University of Palermo



teaching, Wagnerschüle, academy, moderne architecture


Otto Wagner, between 1894 and 1912, carries out a vertical reform of that principle of the reorganization of the visible which is one of the cornerstones of the Art Nouveau aesthetic revolution. Unlike other Modernist protagonists, the core of pupils of his school (including Hoffmann, Plečnik, Deininger, Schönthal, Hoppe, Fuchs), as well as his assistants (among whom J. M. Olbrich stands out) and the external supporters (applies to all the case of M. Fabiani), although not differentiated on the level of interdisciplinary orientation are distinguished, given the formation, for a peculiar academic footprint of their preparation modern such as to allow them to achieve heterogeneous results on the formal but consistent as regards the method (for the architectural arrangement) and the variables of an even wide range of figural codes; a profile recognizable over time and that has allowed Wagnerschule, despite its being a niche phenomenon, to mark a decisive turning point in the culture of the project of the Contemporary Age.


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Author Biography

Ettore Sessa, University of Palermo

Associate Professor, he teaches History of Architecture and History of Garden and Landscape at the Polytechnic School and is Head of the scientific collections of the Department of Architecture. He participated in the Venice Biennials (1980, 2002, 2008) and at the Milan Triennial (1987); he has organized numerous national conferences and exhibitions and has participated in national and international conferences. He carries out research on the Sicilian architecture of the Middle Ages and contemporary, on historical gardens, on architecture and urbanism both Italian and overseas and in Tunisia. He has just over three hundred publications to his credit.


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Hutter, H. R. (1984), “La Secessione viennese – Storia di un’associazione di artisti”, in Marchetti, M. (ed.), Le arti a Vienna – Dalla secessione alla caduta dell’impero asburgico, catalogo della mostra, Venezia, Palazzo Grassi, 20 maggio-16 settembre 1984, Edizioni La Biennale di Venezia, pp. 91-95.

Nerdinger, W. (1988), Theodor Fischer-Architekt und städtebauer, Wilhelm Ernst, Berlin.

Pepe, D. (1989), “Il Circolo Filosofico di Vienna”, in De Masi, D. (ed.), L’emozione e la regola, Laterza, Bari, pp. 183-206.

Pozzetto, M. (1986), Max Fabiani (1865-1962), catalogo della mostra, Gorizia, Musei Provinciali di Palazzo Attems, 24 settembre-23 novembre 1986, Biblioteca Cominiana di Casier (TV).

Pozzetto, M. (1979), La scuola di Wagner 1894-1912 – Idee-Premi-concorsi, catalogo della mostra, Trieste, Comune di Trieste.

Schorske, C. E. (1981), Vienna fin de siècle, Bompiani Editore, Milano.

Wurzer, R. (1986), Planung und Verwirklichung der Ringstrassenzone in Wien, Technische Universität, Wien.

Sessa, E. (2014), “Architettura modernista nel Mediterraneo”, in Pavan, G., Barillari, D. and Valcovich, E. (eds), Trieste Mitteleuropa Mediterraneo – Marco Pozzetto, storico dell’architettura, Atti del convegno, Società di Minerva, Trieste, pp. 79-92.

Plan of the ringstrassezone, project presented at the competition of 1858 by E. van der Nüll and A. sicard von sicardsburg (Wurzer, 1986)




How to Cite

Sessa, E. (2018) “The Wagnerschule (Vienna 1894-1912): Wagner and the Moderne Architekture”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 3(online), pp. 43–48. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/362018.



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