Design and digital transition. New design-driven challenges for techno-social innovation
techno-social innovation, systemic design, speculative design, SDGs, connectionsAbstract
How can it be possible to work salvifically on an asphyxiated society that is being dragged down by turbo-capitalism, the ‘soft tyranny’ of algorithms and ‘data-cracy’ and marked by hegemonic and centralised socio-technical systems? Starting from theoretical reflections and multidisciplinary contributions, this paper focuses on the strategic importance of techno-social innovation, critically illustrating some significant design-driven experiences that outline innovative lines of development in the field of design research: WASP’s experimental activity (3D printing), Manzini’s reflections on hybrid local communities and cities in chaotic mutation, the projects of hacktivists Persico and Iaconesi on open source artificial intelligence, the experiences of frugal technological innovation with high social impact in the Planet’s most challenging economic, environmental and social contexts, and, finally, the bold projections on the food of the future with the related problematic experiments on production systems and lifestyles.
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