Knowledge and smart sensing for an accessible city. Experimenting on the territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia


  • Mickeal Milocco Borlini Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK)
  • Christina Conti University of Udine (Italy)



urban accessibility, social inclusion, human-centred approach, planning, digital platforms


The contribution presents state-of-the-art critically through the results of some applied research financed with public funds in areas related to the concept of innovability understood as an ‘innovative’ approach to the environmental accessibility of urban places. This condition is functional to planning, implementing, and managing urban contexts from an environmental and economically ‘sustainable’ point of view. Through these experiences, it is possible to give a sufficiently an in-depth picture of the ICT tools adopted, and the potential of the tools and experiences created. Focusing on users’ needs and evaluating urban/environmental performance leads to evaluating the current situation in medium-sized urban centres. The reported case studies show the high potential of computerisation of the urban management processes, which does not correspond to a convincing social, economic, political and cultural context due to its partial and inefficient application of ICT. These results present some possible actions on the interface and governance of the human-built environment to design a future ‘smart’, ‘innovative’ and ‘sustainable’ city.


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Author Biographies

Mickeal Milocco Borlini, Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK)

Architect and PhD, he is a Lecturer in Interior Design at the Cardiff School of Art and Design and carries out research on ‘contextual studies’ and ‘design-for-all’.

Christina Conti, University of Udine (Italy)

Architect and PhD, she is an Associate Professor of Architecture Technology at the Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture. She carries out research activities in the field of technological design with attention to the innovation of inclusive environmental systems and she is the author of several publications and is responsible for the DALT Laboratory of the DPIA.


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Logo of the DALT Laboratory, research facility on environmental accessibility and inclusive design of the DPIA, University of Udine (credit: the Authors 2022). AGATHÓN 12 | 2022




How to Cite

Milocco Borlini, M. and Conti, C. (2022) “Knowledge and smart sensing for an accessible city. Experimenting on the territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 12(online), pp. 46–57. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1242022.

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