Hidden logic of complexity – Graphical interfaces and algorithms for the building system
complex systems, BIM, algorithms, data visualisation, graphical user interfacesAbstract
Complexity theory provides an essential framework for analysing buildings as complex systems, influenced by the interaction of architectural, structural and building services elements. To manage this complexity, BIM methods and tools for Facility Management leverage the language of drawing to represent the complexity of data and optimise its management. The analysis of more than three thousand rooms of the Piedmont Region Palace as a case study for this contribution demonstrates how algorithms and automatisms can facilitate the management of large amounts of data to improve the visualisation and interpretation of information. This paper examines the value of graphical interfaces in revealing hidden logics of complexity and transforming them into resources available to users for a new decision support system.
Article info
Received: 10/09/2024; Revised: 11/10/2024; Accepted: 14/10/2024
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anna Osello, Michele Zucco, Emmanuele Iacono, Matteo Del Giudice

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