Architecture, the guardian of nature. The project of the ground within the transformation of urban highways, 1962-2018


  • Zeila Tesoriere University of Palermo (Italy)



green infrastructure, regeneration, soil design, urban highways, ring road


An unstoppable shift in the paradigm underlying mankind’s conception of its species’ building modalities is at the root of the interest in embedding greenery in Architecture. The most capable heuristic statute of such a new course is the progressive substitution of Environment for Nature among Design drivers. Within this frame, this paper investigates the hybridisation of greenery and the built environment in the contemporary transformation of large urban highways through a diachronic and comparative approach, referencing international research and expanding its main hypothesis. With this purpose, it reconstructs the hermeneutic reference frame by progressively discussing the theoretical arguments, deepening approaches, and design cases, among which the applicative one elaborated for the transformation of Palermo’s ring road.


Article info

Received: 25/03/2023; Revised: 30/04/2023; Accepted: 14/05/2023


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Author Biography

Zeila Tesoriere, University of Palermo (Italy)

Architect and PhD, Docteur de Troisième Cycle en Projet Architectural et Urbain, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, and Coordinator of the research axis Projets et Réalisations of the Laboratoire de Recherche Infrastructure Architecture Territoire ENSA Paris-Malaquais (France). Her research investigates the political dimension of contemporary architectural design through the sustainable and interspecies evolution of paradigms and compositional characters.


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How to Cite

Tesoriere, Z. (2023) “Architecture, the guardian of nature. The project of the ground within the transformation of urban highways, 1962-2018”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 13, pp. 87–96. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1372023.