4.0 low-tech building systems. BIM-based product-process innovation for corrugated cardboard prefabrication


  • Rosa Romano University of Florence (Italy)
  • Elisa Belardi University of Florence (Italy)
  • Paola Gallo University of Florence (Italy)
  • Dario Luigi Distefano Archicart®




industry 4.0, prefabrication, mass customization, cardboard architecture, emergency architecture


Construction production chains are facing a profound ecological and digital transformation to support the competitiveness and resilience of the sector against ongoing environmental and socio-economic challenges. In recent years, the development of digital technologies has opened the field to the possibility of transforming prefabricated building production facilities into highly integrated, controlled, environmentally and economically efficient Industry 4.0 systems. CARES research is part of the ongoing debate, developing and implementing an innovative production model of construction elements made of corrugated cardboard, based on the principle of product-process digitalization through the use of BIM tools, aimed at rationalizing the use of resources and reducing the environmental burden of the construction phase.


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Author Biographies

Rosa Romano, University of Florence (Italy)

Architect and PhD, she is an Associate Professor at the DiDA Department. Member of the Scientific Committee of the ABITA Centre and independent Expert for the European Community, her research focuses on the themes of bioecological architecture and innovative technologies for the environment, with particular attention to the management of complex building processes and the design of innovative envelope components.
Email: rosa.romano@unifi.it

Elisa Belardi, University of Florence (Italy)

Architect and PhD in Architectural Technologies at the Department of Architecture, she carries out research on the themes of digital transformation of the building process, with particular reference to prefabricated production systems and innovations in industrial 4.0 systems applied to construction.
E-mail: elisa.belardi@unifi.it

Paola Gallo, University of Florence (Italy)

Associate Professor of Architecture Technology at the DiDA Department, Scientific Secretary of the ABITA Centre and Director of the II Level Master in Bioecological Architecture and Technological Innovation for the Environment, she carries out research activity in the thematic field of technical and technological innovation in the architectural project.
Email: paola.gallo@unifi.it

Dario Luigi Distefano, Archicart®

Engineer and PhD in Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Land Risks, he is the Founder of the innovative SME Archicart® with which he patented the PACOTEC® corrugated cardboard honeycomb panel technology and for which he directs the technical and R&D department. He collaborates with several Italian universities as an expert in low-tech building systems.
E-mail: dariodistefano@archicart.com


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Customization of digitized panel models starting from a single information matrix (credit: E. Belardi, Archicart®, 2021). AGATHÓN 12 | 2022




How to Cite

Romano, R., Belardi, E., Gallo, P. and Distefano, D. L. (2022) “4.0 low-tech building systems. BIM-based product-process innovation for corrugated cardboard prefabrication”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 12(online), pp. 158–167. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/12142022.