UNPARK. The second life of an infrastructure in a high-density urban environment


  • Paolo Carli Polytechnic of Milano (Italy)
  • Patrizia Scrugli Polytechnic of Milano (Italy)




infrastructure, urban regeneration, fragile territories, governance, upcycling


The UNPark research project moves within the boundaries of urban mining, applying the idea of ‘wasted architecture’ to be salvaged and repurposed for urban infrastructures, thus ‘reclaiming public space’ where it was not previously possible. The underlying assumption is that there is latent potential hidden in infrastructures, waiting to be discovered and developed through upcycling operations which add new and creative uses to their original functions – uses that are closer to citizens’ actual needs and capable of having a positive impact on urban dynamics. The sphere of action for UNPark is the Serra-Monte Ceneri flyover in Milan; however, the multidisciplinary approach, evidence-based design and final considerations of the project are all transferrable to a range of national and international contexts. With this in mind, the contribution aims to cast light on a topic with a great deal of potential to fuel debate within the discipline as well as our cities.


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Author Biographies

Paolo Carli, Polytechnic of Milano (Italy)

Architect and PhD, is a Researcher at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. He carries out research in the field of environmental design within settled areas at the urban, micro-urban and building scale.
Email: paolo.carli@polimi.it

Patrizia Scrugli, Polytechnic of Milano (Italy)

Architect, is a Research Fellow at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. She carries out professional activities and research in the field of architectural design applied to urban regeneration, with a particular focus on the social dimension, in a multi-scalar approach.
Email: patrizia.scrugli@polimi.it


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How to Cite

Carli, P. and Scrugli, P. (2021) “UNPARK. The second life of an infrastructure in a high-density urban environment”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 9(online), pp. 72–81. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/972021.



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