Open innovation for property management in emergency and post-emergency pandemic regime


  • Massimo Lauria ‘Mediterranean’ University of Reggio Calabria
  • Maria Azzalin ‘Mediterranean’ University of Reggio Calabria



information communication technologies, building information modeling, internet of things, resilience, pandemic emergency


The paper introduces an ongoing research activity named BIMaid – Bim-basedforcovid19 Protocols. It is part of R&D program developed by BIG Srl – Academic spin-off of ‘Mediterranea’ of Reggio Calabria – aimed at innovative governance of real estate assets, that welcomes the challenge of managing buildings in an emergency and post-emergency regime from Covid-19. It proposes, through Smart BIM-based Protocols, methodological and process solutions to plan and manage the ‘new normal’, to guarantee social distancing, environmental sanitation, and adaptation of spaces. In general terms, it supports the ongoing transition towards a management policy that uses the tools of digital culture and interoperability to keep the main variables under control already in the decision-making phase.


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Author Biographies

Massimo Lauria, ‘Mediterranean’ University of Reggio Calabria

Architect and PhD, he is an Associate Professor at the Art and Territory Department. He carries out activities in the field of construction process management with attention to building maintenance issues. He is the author of over 70 scientific publications and Scientific Responsible for BIG Srl academic spin-off.

Maria Azzalin, ‘Mediterranean’ University of Reggio Calabria

Architect and PhD, she is an Expert in Architecture Technology at the Department of Art and Territory. She carries out research activities mainly in the field of building maintenance and redevelopment, in particular on the issues of assessing the ‘service life’, durability, reliability and maintainability in construction. She is a co-Founder of BIG Srl academic spin-off.


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BIMaid combines BIM, Internet of Things, GIS, home automation and Building Automation systems (credit: M. Lauria and M. Azzalin). AGATHÓN 08 | 2020




How to Cite

Lauria, M. and Azzalin, M. (2020) “Open innovation for property management in emergency and post-emergency pandemic regime”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 8(online), pp. 210–219. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/8202020.