Revitalising rural communities – Energy self-sufficiency and valorisation of local forest resources
energy self-sufficiency, woody biomass, rural communities, short supply chain, renewable energyAbstract
This study examines strategies for revitalising historic rural mountain settlements suffering from demographic decline, focusing on those in the earthquake-affected area of the central Apennines hit in 2016. Through a holistic, multidisciplinary, and multi-scalar approach, the paper investigates the interconnections between economic revival – driven by the enhancement of local resources – and the energy upgrading of settlements to improve quality of life and encourage long-term repopulation. A methodology for assessing the technical feasibility of achieving energy self-sufficiency is developed to initiate virtuous circular systems, where environmental protection, local economic benefits, and global goals of climate neutrality and energy independence reinforce each other, ultimately benefiting local communities.
Article info
Received: 10/09/2024; Revised: 14/10/2024; Accepted: 16/10/2024
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