Modular relations in work environments – Data-driven approaches to design their future
workplace, future of work, data-driven design, behavioural patterns, human-space interactionAbstract
This contribution explores the evolutionary nature of workspaces in the context of technological and social flexibility. The modular dimension of an office is analysed through a change in spatial solutions considering the influence that socio-cultural transformations have had on management models and design choices. The analysis focuses on the effectiveness of data-driven approaches when used to explore work contexts: data are a useful tool to understand the experiences and perceptions of employees when developing solutions to improve well-being in the workplace. This contribution aims to outline the transformation of an office from a closed and individualistic module to an open and shared system in which data play a fundamental role in defining the future of workspaces.
Article info
Received: 10/09/2023; Revised: 16/10/2023; Accepted: 22/10/2023
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