Yacht Design and Maritime Landscape: Continuity in artisan Culture


  • Eleonora Trivellin University of Firenze




artisan culture, maritime environment, boats


The paper highlights the matrices of Mediterranean navigation and the relationship with artisan work processes, as well as how they have continued to characterize the nautical field and how research has identified themes which today seem to be able to characterise a culturally and economically important sector such as that of the production of sports yachts.


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Author Biography

Eleonora Trivellin, University of Firenze

PhD, she is a Contract Professor with a scholarship in the Design Area, Department of Architecture (DIDA). She carries out research on the relationship between design and craftsmanship, with specific attention to the textile sector and interior design for boating and, in general, for moving spaces.
E-mail: eleonora.trivellin@unifi.it


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How to Cite

Trivellin, E. (2017) “Yacht Design and Maritime Landscape: Continuity in artisan Culture”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 2(online), pp. 219–226. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/2292017.
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